Being authentic is a very attractive quality but sharing our true selves can leave us feeling exposed. It takes commitment and courage to be genuine. My advice is to embrace your uniqueness, take a risk, stand out and be the real deal!
Why do we hide?
For some, it’s easier, safer and more comfortable to put up a façade. Consciously or unconsciously we can be trying to live up to others expectations – whether those expectations actually exist or not!
Comparing ourselves to and copying others is a no win situation. When we are trying to be someone else, we lose what is special and unique about us. In the pursuit to be like others we lose our authenticity and become a counterfeit copy. An imitation is never as valuable as the real thing. Those who walk their own path are believable, trustworthy and stand out with uniqueness. And in a world of sameness and fitting in – that’s priceless!
My good friend Janine Garner, author of From Me to We, understands the importance of standing out and being unique as a step towards commercial collaboration, future proofing our businesses, great leadership and personal success. Check out her 7 week Networking Matrix Program here.
Decide what’s important to you – your values, your true north and be on your way.
Here are some tips to be true:
1. Embrace your uniqueness – love you – warts and all!
2. Don’t hide – live life to the fullest!
3. Take a risk – be courageous and STOP playing safe!
4. Stand out – don’t fit in to others expectations!
5. Be the real deal – live your core values everyday!
This is what Leading Women do and why we showcase these qualities. Revealing the authentic you is attractive and very fulfilling. That’s when you know you are making your unique contribution to our planet.
If you’re feeling a little fearful around taking responsibility, not sure how to plan ahead in this current continued uncertainty, and ready to turn the page in 2021 and start fresh – then I’m here for you.
????????For all the fabulous Leading Women (inclusive to amazing male champions ????), I’m going to present a FREE 1 hour webinar that will show you “Learn how to not hide and stand out with your unique contribution” ⏰ It’ll be next Wednesday the 10th of March at 9:30am AEST (my QLD mates) and that’s 10:30am AEDT (that’s my NSW/VIC/ACT/TAS mates). For my NZ, US & Canada friends I’ve included the times for you below:
⏰ NZST – Wednesday the 10th of March at 11:30am
⏰ NZDT – Wednesday the 10th of March at 12:30pm
⏰ EST (Canada) – Tuesday the 9th of March at 6:30pm
⏰ ET (USA) – Tuesday the 9th of March at 6:30pm
⏰ PT (USA) – Tuesday the 9th of March at 3:30pm
???? To access the LIVE webinar plus the recording please join my Leading Women Facebook Group. See you next week. Love to help you make decisions that create a 2021 of UNAPOLOGETIC FREEDOM!