Hang with those who get it

Have you ever had someone that, no matter how badly you have behaved, has just stood up for the best part of you? How fiercely loyal to them do you become? I call these people your True Believer friends.

Because sometimes we don’t believe in ourselves — you know those moments of doubt. True Believer friends stand by you; they have your back, and will hold the belief for you — until the evidence of success shows up.

As Amy Poehler says, “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”

There are the five benefits of surrounding yourself with True Believers: learning, support, accountability, contribution and friendship. All you have to do it to work hard on being a True Believer and you will find others who will fill these roles.

The joy of sharing your success is a big part of the True Believer journey. Some don’t like hearing about your success but in True Believer friendships you can share your success openly. True Believer friends look to you for inspiration rather than comparison.

When you surround yourself with a few quality True Believer friends, they may or may not be going for the same thing as you, but they understand you, and their belief, conviction and commitment is unwavering. Sometimes we need someone to talk to — someone who listens and someone who believes in your vision.

When it comes to maintaining your mojo remember all work and no play makes us dull. True Believer friends help you to have fun and enjoy the journey.

Create a life you truly value by reflecting on the past and being a powerful creator of a 2020 you’ve chosen. Let me help you, click here to find out how.

Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All! ®

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Christina Joy