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From non-believer to True Believer
Those who were once non-believers can go forward to leave wonderful ripples, when they identify the non-believer in themselves and work on that first. I have much passion, compassion and expertise in helping others find their inner strength — to believe in themselves to walk forward with courage, with self-love and unconditional love for others.…
Facing fear and tipping points
An issue or a series of changes that become significant enough to cause a large impact defines a tipping point. Many will escape these critical points and remain content without much change. For some, these tipping points, although often painful, can create the greatest transformations. Think about the events throughout your life that have had…
Stay out of drama
Being in drama about what has gone on in the past can prevent you from moving forward. Being in drama uses up time and energy and can also prevent the growth required. By staying out of drama we can increase our productivity in a massive way — giving us many more effective hours in our…
Pave a clear path
De-cluttering is an essential productivity tool. Remove the clutter so that you can see the path ahead. Live with clutter and you live with obstacles. Highly productive people de-clutter quickly emotionally, psychologically and physically. It’s time to pave the way to success by spring-cleaning the clutter in your life. When heading in a valued direction,…
Commit to taking responsibility
The power of personal promise and commitment are the foundations of fulfilment. When we learn to reject our excuses we then commit to a life that rocks! There are three parts to commitment: 1. Responsibility — no excuses 2. Clarity — clear focus 3. Productivity — do what matters It’s the responsibility piece we have…
Get in the game
Time stops for no one — there are a finite number of days left. With that in mind the questions are – are you where you want to be? How prepared are you to take a risk to get in the game and create the life you want? How much of your time is spent…
The best view
As we move towards success there can be any number of distractions. The trick is to know when to look sideways and benefit and when not to. Getting that right has a big impact on how effective and resilient you are. As competitive beings, many of us want to keep up with others, but by…
Set for success
Decisions have been made, you know what you want and the stage is set for success. Or is it? Deciding what you want and setting goals is often a step taken. For many, however, the goals set are never realised. I believe there is a more effective way to commit to a life that rocks…
Courage is the fuel
Self-doubt is common, but not helpful. When it shows up in our thoughts it overpowers our beliefs and makes us a non-believer. When the inevitable tough time arrives we often can’t see how it is possible to move forward. Fear and doubt keep us stuck in a rut. There are fears and doubts we speak…
Find your tribe
One way to hinder achievement and life satisfaction is to spend time with the wrong people. By wrong people I don’t mean bad people — just people who may be negative, unfocused, and who may try to drag you into their drama. Spend time with the right people! Being with the right people can be…