Sometimes we think we have lost our mojo, but all we may need is to work or spend time alongside people with similar values and vision who are, best of all, people we like. And like a relay race it becomes a combined effort, creating many benefits by teaming up!
In first my book How To Have It All I explain that having it all is NOT doing it all. High achievers, living fulfilled lives:
- decide what are high value tasks and focus on these only
- decide what doesn’t need to be done
- decide what can be delegated
- have effective people to delegate to
- put systems in place to manage all of the above.
We can’t do it all – it’s time to delegate or stagnate!
Then we are left to focus on the high value tasks. And even though we are capable of playing the game alone, working together can inspire us to achieve greater fulfilment and gain insight, momentum and energy by:
- leveraging success – pool your smarts
- getting there faster – more hands on deck
- mateship on the journey – work with people you like
- having more fun – celebrate success together!
Being with the right people can be a cherished and unforgettable part of your life journey. When you find these people invest time and energy in the relationship. Are you working and living with people you like?
If you’re feeling a little fearful around taking responsibility, not sure how to plan ahead in this current continued uncertainty, and ready to turn the page and start fresh – then I’m here for you.
????????For all the fabulous Leading Women (inclusive to amazing male champions ????), I’m going to present a FREE 1 hour webinar that will show you “How to work with others and leverage your success“ ⏰ It’ll be next Thursday the 29th of July at 9:00am AEST. For my NZ, US & Canada friends I’ve included the times for you below:
⏰ NZST – Thursday the 29th of July at 11:00am
⏰ NZDT – Thursday the 29th of July at 12:00pm
⏰ EST (Canada) – Wednesday the 27th of July at 7:00pm
⏰ ET (USA) – Wednesday the 27th of July at 7:00pm
⏰ PT (USA) – Wednesday the 27th of July at 4:00pm
???? To access the LIVE webinar plus the recording please join my Leading Women Facebook Group. See you next week. Love to help you make decisions that create a 2021 of UNAPOLOGETIC FREEDOM!