Time stops for no one — there are a finite number of days left. With that in mind the questions are – are you where you want to be? How prepared are you to take a risk to get in the game and create the life you want? How much of your time is spent on thinking or talking about what you want and what you should be doing rather than actually doing it? Are you all thought and talk and no action?
Do you:
• Have thoughts of success without taking action?
• Have lots of coffee dates and meetings to talk about what you intend to do but nothing happens?
• Use language like “I’m going to lose weight”, “I’m going to get organised”, “I’m going to have my best year yet” or “I wish I could live by the water, I wish I had a partner and I wish I had more money”.
These common phrases should ring alarm bells — alarms that says stop procrastinating. Success does leave clues. Successful people think carefully first and then quickly get on with it.
After over two decades in sales and leadership, I have observed and mentored many. Winning people:
• are active, not passive
• don’t waste time just thinking and talking
• get the things done that matter
• take personal responsibility
• deliver on the promises they make
• face their fears!
It is often fear that keeps us playing it safe. The fear of what we might lose if we take a risk. And it is true that where there is risk there is often uncertainty and few guarantees. But it is outside our comfort zone where new playing fields lie and where truly amazing opportunities can be found.
Don’t get to the end of your life to find that comfortable was not really what you wanted. Have courage and take a risk by standing up, stepping out, and even shouting out to play the game that inspires you. There’s talk about exposure to risk. I think about it as exposure to life.
Get exposed – get in the game!
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!