Those who were once non-believers can go forward to leave wonderful ripples, when they identify the non-believer in themselves and work on that first.
I have much passion, compassion and expertise in helping others find their inner strength — to believe in themselves to walk forward with courage, with self-love and unconditional love for others. To help others feel empowered, to have a voice and to commit to making their very best contribution is what lights me up! I help others to become True Believers, to move up from the times they were non-believers in their own lives and to live with the non-believer in others.
The irony of my expertise is that I spent many decades looking outside myself for peace — for others to believe in me — scared to speak out and always looking for recognition and approval. Many times I became a non-believer and was paralysed by the non-believer in myself and in others.
I searched and searched — even though for most part I had achieved extraordinary results and success — I couldn’t find true peace. I couldn’t find fulfillment – constantly searching and moving up and down the ladder from non-believer to True Believer.
And in those most difficult times as a non-believer, I played it small and in doing so nearly killed my soul. But if you do the courageous work that’s required and persist, you can pull yourself out of some of the toughest times in your life and find the True Believer within.
Maya Angelou – “Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.”
Become a True Believer by consistently taking courageous action.
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!