The key to thriving in the long-term is beautifully summed up by the Thought Leaders mantra:
– do work you love
– with people you like
– the way you want.
My work is my vocation and I get to help others find theirs too. It is a privilege to spend time with motivated people who see the possibility of a better life with greater purpose and with gratitude for their life journey. It’s no surprise that this is the solution to thriving in the long-term. Being inspired by the company you keep gives you energy and stamina to finish. Matt Church, author of Amplifiers and founder of Thought Leaders Global says:
Regardless of which model of human behavioural drivers you subscribe to, in its essence a great culture helps us live better, relate to others better, and grow and learn through the community, and gives us a chance to give back or make a difference. Cultures give us something to do, someone to care about and something to hope for.
Imagine being part of a tribe, where others believe in you and see the best in you – sometimes even before you believe in yourself. Being part of a community gives you greater connection and in the world today that’s hugely beneficial. Anthropologists have always studied tribes — they are not a new phenomenon. New tribes form daily all around the world.
If you want to thrive – now and in the long-term – find your tribe!
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