Is your ladder leaning on the right wall?

For about 3% of the population goals are now set for the year. Decisions have been made and the stage is set for success. Or is it? Deciding what you want and setting goals is often a step taken however, for many, the goals set are never realised. I believe there is a more effective way to commit to a life that rocks by using an alternative to goal setting.

I’m a goal setter from way back – my teams and I kicked a lot of personal and business goals. But as time passed I saw that setting and achieving a goal does not necessarily equal fulfillment. In fact I saw a lot of high achievers who were not happy or fulfilled because, at some point, as they climbed the ladder of success they found their ladder was leaning on the wrong wall – ouch!

I’ve felt that ouch myself and it was the most painful but greatest tipping point of my life. As a result I teach an alternative to goal setting that delivers life-changing results. I believe fulfillment comes from moving forward in a direction aligned with our values – setting what I call value-based directions rather than goals.

A goal achieved will get things done but a value-based direction will get the things done that matter.
If goal setters set value-based directions there would be more ladders leaning on the right wall and people living a life that rocks!

Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!™

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Christina Joy