STOP The Masquerade!

Numbing our psychological pain protects us from feeling hurt. Although in the short term this cover-up provides some relief, in the long run the effects of anaesthetising what’s really going on can be harmful. Fear is often the reason for the masquerade – disguising problems and preventing us from finding solutions. For a better life – STOP the masquerade!

At times, we don’t realise that we are living in fear: fear of not having enough money, being alone, not being loved, being rejected, losing our job, failure and even success. Sometimes our calm exterior hides the fear inside and we sabotage our success.
What are you using to numb the pain?

Alcohol, drugs, oversocialising, oversleeping, overeating or maybe working too much. Do you need some help and new skills so you can face the fear and take action to stop the masquerade?
In real estate, a lot of courage was required to door knock strangers and make regular prospecting calls. Fear of rejection was constant – even for the best and most experienced. But rather than covering up the fear the key was to feel the fear and keep prospecting anyway.

Those that approach life expecting the No’s rather than avoiding them understand that every N0 brings them closer to a Yes! Life can be full of No’s and it’s how you deal with them that count.
It’s not until we uncover the fear behind our inaction that we STOP the masquerade and get on with living a better life!

Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!™

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Christina Joy


  1. Emma Jefferies on August 14, 2013 at 12:01 am

    So true Christina – Feel the fear and push beyond it as success is waiting