In our hectic, fast moving world we often rush around with little regard for those surrounding us. Over time this lack of connection can cause relationships to breakdown. Yet there is a simple and effective solution. A smile, a kind word and a caring ear can build better relationships… maybe even change the world.
At work or at home or out and about in your community – are there some relationships that need a bit of TLC? Many relationships can be re-invigorated with a few small actions.
- Smile
Have you ever walked along and a stranger smiles at you? We think: Do I know them? Why are they smiling at me? I didn’t smile back, maybe I should have! A smile makes us feel good.
An authentic smile radiates warmth that says we are open. I have known a smile to repair strained marriages, create new relationships and turn average working relationships into strong ones – bonding over a simple smile.
When we smile at someone we are seen as:
- More approachable and open to communicate
- More attractive and likeable
- More sociable
- A kind word
Sometimes the tension between two people is so strong that meaningful communication has ceased. A kind word shows an openness to communicate and that you care. There is always something kind to say.
- A caring ear
A caring ear demonstrates a willingness to hear their point of view. If we want to be understood – we need first to understand. It’s time to listen.
These three simple steps pave the way for better relationships.
It takes one person to decide to “break the ice” and there is no better way than a smile, a kind word and a caring ear – it may even change the world. But it must first start with you.
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