Think about those who have financial success and money for all the things they desire. Money certainly does bring some life satisfaction but it is not a guarantee of fulfillment. I’ve come across too many people who have lost sight of what they truly value as a result of chasing the almighty dollar.
As the founder of Leading Women, having spent seven years listening, understanding and advising women who juggle so much at home and at work, these are their most common challenges:
• working long hours with few results
• having too little personal time
• not having enough time with the kids, partner, friends and family
• so much of their spare time is taken up with chores
• guilt or exhaustion when there is finally time to relax.
The definition of success is living life according to our values. Those women who strive, everyday, to have both achievement and fulfilment, focussing on doing the things they value at work and at home are to be supported, encouraged and celebrated.
This month we celebrated International Women’s Day. Or should it be the International Women’s Millennium, as there is much work to be done to progress women’s rights and equal opportunity.
To all women and their male champions who support them – live life according to your values and know that how you lead yourself is how we lead others.
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All! ®