Not everyone feels comfortable declaring his or her success or ambitions. But declaring ambition is a key factor in overcoming blocks to success. And when you are in the business of solving others’ problems and making their lives better a declaration is a perfect way to amplify your intentions, get known and fast track success.
Money isn’t everything — I personally left a large income for a greater purpose. But money goes a long way in helping to live a full and rich life and provides opportunities to be generous to others. Doing purposeful work often brings an abundance of commercial success.
In 2012 I made the decision to become a thought leader, to run my own thought leaders practice and to create intellectual property that would solve other people’s challenges in business and in life. And there was no way I was going to keep this vision a secret as I had done previously! What I had learnt in previous years — when I hadn’t declared my vision — was that I have to state my intention clearly and make sure that I don’t waste precious energy and time by not undressing my ambition.
Before I declared what my new path would be and knowing that there were big challenges ahead, I made these promises to myself:
• Don’t worry about what others might think.
• Don’t avoid risk just in case you might fail.
• Don’t blend in to the world around you.
• Don’t sit quietly with your desires bottled up.
• Don’t make excuses — deferring success.
• Don’t follow crowds — walk your own path.
• Don’t look sideways, comparing yourself to others.
• Don’t hide the real you — show your uniqueness.
With no real evidence and at the beginning of my journey, I knew I could realise my dreams if I did what I had done all my life — to feel success in advance. So to a few special True Believers who would give me knowledge and support and hold me accountable, I declared my six ambitions:
1. To create my own intellectual property and launch my own practice.
2. To do work I love, with people I like, the way I want.
3. To transform lives as a speaker, author and mentor.
4. To become a black belt earning more than $720,000 per year.
5. To become an Accredited Thought Leaders Mentor and Partner.
6. To raise consciousness on the planet.
But at the time, in transition – with no clients and no income I guess this was positively delusional – I was at the starting line on a new marathon. I began to amplify my views, even at the risk of ruffling feathers and against advice of some non-believers who said, “You shouldn’t go there”. I realised at the time that they were projecting their own fears onto me. What they were really saying was “play it safe and go back to your old life”.
After only two years, a lot of hard work and brilliant support from mentors the six declarations were realised. For that I am truly grateful.
One of the greatest factors for success is deciding and declaring what you want.
But the fact is many women don’t declare their ambitions and don’t have the same level of success as men.
According to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, data from many countries worldwide show that women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to advance their careers as far as men and are more likely to spend their final years in poverty.
The Top Earners Report, released by the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA) in January 2008, showed the disappointing reality that there is a significant gender pay gap at top earner level.
Sheryl Sandberg — author of Lean In and speaker in the popular TED talk Too Few Women Leaders — shares her concerns about women in the workplace saying we live in a world where some women still don’t have civil rights. Women are not making it to the top of any profession anywhere in the world. Women systematically underestimate their own ability
The message is clear:
Decide what you want.
Declare your ambition.
Don’t play it safe.
Celebrate success!
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!