Conviction is one of the three superpowers of a True Believer. Conviction is what gives belief its stamina – like an unstoppable life force. It’s when our belief is so strong and we are fixed on our vision — even when there is no evidence that the vision will become a reality — that we are inspired to take action towards our desired destination.
Unlike the convincer, who looks for agreement by trying to prove, the True Believer is already convinced and the energy moves from convincing to conviction. When you have conviction you don’t really mind what others think — you argue less and suffer less stress — you don’t have to prove yourself. When we don’t have conviction we lack energy and stamina and are often less productive and fulfilled.
• The convincer spends time convincing self and others.
• The True Believer has conviction, even when no one’s watching.
We want to enjoy our life journey — as it happens — before we arrive at our destination. Often, when we reach a destination, it can be an anti-climax because we didn’t get the things done that really matter. By focusing each day and every day on what is important — what we are passionate about — we can reach the end of our lives and not be riddled with regrets.
Make it your mission to reject ‘settling’ and aim higher than ever before to live a full and rich life. It begins with the decision to be active, not passive. Don’t settle for what is but rather reach for what can be. Mark Twain sums it up well:
Dance like nobody’s watching; love like you’ve never been hurt.
Sing like nobody’s listening; live like it’s heaven on earth.
Let the power of conviction create your heaven on earth.
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!