Success needs accountability

They say if you believe you are half way there, possibly the second half is doing the work — taking action! But I think the second half is more about having a True Believer tribe to hold you accountable to do the work, to take action.

I know that 2012 was my Year of Belief and 2013 my Year of Sweat and Effort. I worked hard implementing new projects and finding my tribe. In that year the focus was on doing the work, on persistence, and on getting the results by giving value to others and by getting the support from the right mentors who were able to hold me accountable to help me to deliver on my promises. Sending in my targets and intentions, and being held accountable for achieving those results, was an important step in creating my own success masterpiece. The sweat and effort was a choice — but being kept accountable by those keen to see me succeed helped the results of the hard work along.

Often with my clients, I will ask them to do some pre-work — like working on their Value-based Directions before we officially start a program. Most send me their pre-work but a few don’t. You can tell someone’s commitment early in a mentoring relationship. It is amazing how much personal information I have had the privilege to receive from people in the early days of our relationship. That’s the point though — a deep personal connection built around trust makes the accountability work so much better.

So often accountability is missing in learning models. How often have we turned up to a training day or week, only to leave — maybe with more knowledge — but with no accountability? With a failure to implement the new learning, nothing changes.

The tough love we sometimes need to give and to receive is all part of accountability. There is certainly a common feeling of both excitement and pressure — understandable in any commitment to such an epic journey.

Yes it may be a bit of pressure, but the gentle hand of accountability — pulling you along and saying, “keep going” — is a worthwhile and necessary pressure.

Who or what’s keeping you accountable?

Create a life you truly value by reflecting on the past and being a powerful creator of a 2020 you’ve chosen. Let me help you, click here to find out how.

Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All! ®

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Christina Joy