In between your vision of imagining what is possible and creating your reality lies the crucial step of checking in. Even though we have a vision, we also need to check-in and know what the current reality is — what actually exists.
And although positive delusion is a quality for belief also, without a check-in there is the possibility of a disconnection between the real and the abstract and this disconnection can hinder our progress if things have changed. If things have changed when we check-in we may need to make some changes. If we don’t, our imagination could take us in the wrong direction.
Albert Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.”
Creating your own reality is a choice too. The alternative is to be passive and settle for a life you don’t want and, that too, is a choice.
Living a fulfilled life is about being active — choosing to see possibilities and create the life you want and value.
True Believers feel it in advance and enjoy success before it arrives but they also check in on reality.
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!