It’s no wonder many are riddled with doubt as we live in a fast-paced world — often with overstimulation and overwhelm, bringing with it more stress than ever before.
Facts that matter:
1. In the Western world the standard of living continues to improve but the quality of life is going down, with stress and suffering increasing. We have so many choices and we still want more. Happiness for many seems unattainable.
2. The World Health Organization reports that by the year 2020 mental illness, primarily depression, is going to be the number one condition in the developed world, and will be the leading cause of disability and disease. Depression is fifty percent higher for females than males.
3. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that 78% of mothers and 92% of fathers with school age children from 6-14 years of age are in the paid workforce. Working parents are doing it especially tough — struggling under great pressure to juggle work and family life. Many are in overwhelm.
4. The time we are spending on social media, surfing the net and on emails, is having an impact. It reduces the time we spend on ourselves — nurturing our health, relationships, recreation and achievements. Our increased connection to media is connected to the statistics around reduced quality of life. The highly stimulated state we generally exist in is, in many cases, increasing our stress.
Are you becoming a statistic? Life does go fast – if you let it, and overstimulation is causing overwhelm. Maybe it’s time to check in, breathe and take responsibility for the life you deserve.
You’ve got this – if you want it!
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!