Time and energy are two of our most valuable resources. But it is not the time we have; it is what we do with our time that counts. Even if our days were 36 hours long many would still be feeling busy and stressed. When we respect time and learn how to use our time effectively we create energy – the precious by-product that has a huge impact on our life satisfaction.
Neen James, a leadership expert helps others to be more influential, impactful and effective. Her keynote address and book Folding Time teaches how to achieve twice as much in half the time. Neen says it’s not about managing time, it’s about folding time and the way you do that is being accountable for your time and the people around you. It’s about engaging differently to give people the gift of your undivided attention and leveraging your energy so that you bring this powerful force into every opportunity.
She’s spot on! A good energy level is infectious and makes us more influential – it’s a very attractive commodity.
We need this energy to have it all – to live with our best health, wealth and relationships. But all too often, the problem of capacity comes up. People feel they are too busy with their current workload and have no more time or energy to add anything else into their day.
This common problem of working long hours with mediocre results and little quality time for self and other important relationships is only exacerbated as we think the solution is to do more. Like a cup that has a maximum capacity – we can’t just keep pouring more and more into our lives or we will cause a messy overflow!
The key to having it all is not to do more, not to try to do it all. The key is to only do the “all” that matters.
If you’re feeling a little fearful around taking responsibility, not sure how to plan ahead in this current continued uncertainty, and ready to turn the page in 2021 and start fresh – then I’m here for you.