Research shows you can influence your level of motivation. That’s important as motivation greatly determines how we act and our actions determine the life we enjoy. A crucial factor that contributes to our motivation is the company we keep.
What motivates you? What gives you that get up and go – the drive, the energy, the stamina and the commitment to create amazing outcomes? For the most part motivation is an inner desire to maximise pleasure and minimise pain. As Zig Ziglar said motivation is the fuel necessary to keep the human energy running. And if motivation is the driving force, the company you keep can determine the quality of the drive or the dollar per litre you chose to pay.
The company you keep can have a positive or negative impact on your motivation. The people around you can:
Affect – you are influenced by the company you keep.
Infect – you are changed by the company you keep.
Define – you are known by the company you keep.
Reflect – you are the company you keep!
It’s important to consider carefully who you spend time with. After a Thought Leaders Business School three-day immersion, being inspired by Matt Church, Peter Cook, the mentors and students, I have no doubt that the right company, and in this case a community, plays a significant role in motivation, success and fulfilment.
When it comes to motivation making the right choices about the company you keep matters. When it comes to the company you keep – choose wisely!
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