Once you take responsibility for the life you want, making the right decisions is the next step. The decisions we make bridge the gap between believing something is possible and having something.
But often there are many choices. To decide is to eliminate choice because either you decide or something or someone will decide for you. We all have a choice to be the leader in our decisions.
In the words of American author, speaker, and pastor John Maxwell, “The question for every leader is not will my calendar be full but who will fill my calendar? Take charge of it or others will.”
We often ask too many people for advice. Sometimes we ask the wrong people. We then get confused; we procrastinate and don’t end up making a decision at all.
These three steps can assist in making your dream a reality:
1. Decide what you really want.
2. Plan how you are going to get there.
3. Stay focused and persist until you arrive.
Although that may sound simple in theory, it takes the right mindset too. It’s important to say, “How can I”, by focusing forwards on what we really want, rather than saying, “This is why I can’t”. It’s about making the best choice — which doesn’t include making no choice. Often we unconsciously default to a why I can’t — a habit that takes a stronghold and prevents success.
There are thousands of decisions to be made each day — success is about taking ownership.
Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All!™